Content | The narration of the lord of the martyrs, Abu ‘Abdillah, (as), “I consider death to be nothing but martyrdom, and living with the tyrants as disgusting.” has served as a beacon for mankind in one of the greatest historical events. Abu Mikhnaf was the first historian to systematically collect the reports dealing with the events of the Battle of Karabala His work was considered reliable among later Shi'a and Sunni historians like Tabari. He has based his work on the eyewitness testimony of Muhammad ibn Qays, Harith ibn Abd Allah ibn Sharik al-Amiri, Abd Allah ibn Asim and Dahhak ibn Abd Allah Abu, Abu Janab al-Kalbi and Adi b. Hurmula, Muhammad ibn Qays.432 PAGES
HEAVILY SUBSIDIZED BY WWW.ISLAMICTHOUGHT.CO.UK | Ideological and Jurisprudence Frontiers of Islam: A Scrutiny into Islam's Theory and Practice Compiled in the Form of Questions and Answers Addressing the Key Issues in Human Life. | This text discusses how Shi'ism has been an integral and inseparable part of Islam from the time of the Holy Prophet (sa). The text provides several resources to show how Shi'ism began with the companions of the Holy Prophet (sa) and how its legacy still stands. Topics covered 1 Emergence os Shia 2 Saqifah 3 Silence of Imam Ali (as) 4 Sahaba Shias 5 Umayyad 6 Period of 4th Imam 7 Alawi uprisings 8 Zayd shahid 9 Factors behind failure of the uprisings 10 poets, 29 lessons | This book addresses issues on the status and standing of women, their social, political, and cultural activities, housewifery, art, freedom, lifestyle, natural and acquired rights, and other issues from Islamic point of view.
According to Islam, women and men alike possess the lofty status of humanity because they are both equally human.
The fact that noble Adam ('a) was able to understand the Names and explain them was due to his unique genesis as a human and men and women are equal in this genesis. In general, all extolments in the Quran and Hadith regarding humans encompass both women and men. There is no verse in the Quran that reproaches women for being women.
Therefore, according to Islam and the Quran, men and women are equally human, they are no different in worth, and they possess common responsibilities in managing the society.
HEAVILY SUBSIDIZED BY WWW.ISLAMICTHOUGHT.CO.UK | This book will take to an advance level spirituality by the great master "Alamah Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Tabatabai" want to get high on level self purification then this book is ideal. This text presents a series of twenty-one discourses related to the spirituality of Shi'ism and various key interesting topics in Islam.
Heavily subsidized by | A discussion on providing leadership to the youth, with examples from the Holy Qur'an, Ahadith (traditions), and the lives of the Prophets and Imams. Topics covered. 1 Two types of responsibilities 2 Leadership 3 Methods of prophets 4 Best students 5 Mind set of the youth 6 The time you live in 7 What must be done 8 Youth of today 8 The difficulties 9 Reason why people turn to Atheism 10 Signs of intellectual development 11 Abandonment of the Quran 12 Selection of Ahadith on the youth
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