Content | Muslim Identity in the 21st Century Challenges of Modernity Edited by M.S. Bahmanpour and H. Bashir "Muslim Identity in the 21st Century: Challenges of Modernity" is a collection of articles presented at an international conference with the same titles, in London from October 31st to November 1st, 1998. The conference was meant to discuss and put forward solutions for the challenges facing Muslims, who as believing people, are trying to follow a written and divine shari'ah at the threshold of the 21st century, amidst the dramatic social, economic and political changes brought about by modern society. The book consist of thirteen articles which have been arranged in three chapters, entitled: "Muslim Ummah", "Muslim Identity in a Rationalized World" and "The Impact of Education and Communication Technology on Muslim Identity." The Institute of Islamic Studies - London, established in 1995, organized this conference. The Institute aims to examine, facilitate and co-ordinate research in the fields of Islamic history, literature, culture and civilization in close co-operation with the scholars who are actively engaged in researches in these fields. The Institute seeks to stimulate academic debate and discussion on issues related to Muslim affairs - especially Muslim communities living in Europe and North America - and analyze them in their political, social, economical, historical and cultural context. This conference was a step forward that should lead us to a better understanding of the challenges facing Muslims in the 21st century. M.S. Bahmanpour is a Visiting Fellow at the University of Cambridge. Dr. H. Bashir is the Dean of Oxford Academy for Advanced Studies and Managing Director of the monthly magazine "Discourse". Both are members of academic board of the Institute of Islamic Studies (London). - Institute of Islamic Studies (London) BookExtra Publishers
Heavily subsidized by | This book, which is written by a well known scholar, a graduate of the Sorbonne, who switched from one Muslim school of thought to another, attempts to prove that the Muslims who truly follow the authentic Sunnah of the Prophet of Islam are actually none other than those referred to as the Shi as. It details how these Shi as (or Shi ites) learn this Sunnah from the closest people to the Prophet of Islam: his immediate family members. It traces the history of the Muslims of the first Islamic century and how they split into two camps, thus setting the foundations for both of these major sects. It also deals with the persecution to which the immediate family members of the Prophet of Islam were subjected and the politicians who played a major role in widening the gap between the followers of this sect and those of that. As for its style, the author restricts himself to quoting major authentic Sunni works to prove his point, relying on an in-depth study of the Islamic history in general and of that of the first century in particular. Many controversial themes are discussed in this book, including that of the infallibility of the Prophet of Islam and of the Twelve Imams who descended from Ali and Fatima, cousin and daughter of the Prophet respectively. Finally, the book concludes with an Appendix containing an Arabic poem in one thousand lines in praise of Commander of the Faithful Ali composed by an Iraqi poet for the Arabic speaking readers.
Heavily subsidized by | Since 9/11, "Islam" has become a buzzword, conjuring fiery images of fundamentalists and fanatics on a mission to bring down Western culture. This sensible book is a welcome reminder that Islam is a much more complex belief system -- one that in fact reflects and teaches progressive, humane values. Jafri covers progressive concepts of Islam, sectarian violence in the Islamic world, international terrorism and peace, the concept of social justice, freedom and rationalism in Islam, the status of women and human rights, and more. | This text explains in detail the meaning of Worship and Intention, as well as how different stages of worship are acquired. He then goes on to explain the different actions of Prayer in detail, such as the first Takbir, & the recitation of the Suras
Heavily subsidized by | Â The book, which requires brevity and concentration, is regarded as one of the best that deals with applied ethics. It is a guide for spiritual wayfarers on ethics and ways to strengthen one's faith, with the goal to reach Allah (swt). | Ideological and Jurisprudence Frontiers of Islam: A Scrutiny into Islam's Theory and Practice Compiled in the Form of Questions and Answers Addressing the Key Issues in Human Life. |
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