
A tradition that all commentators have quoted from reliable books, states that everything has a heart and the heart of Quran is (Surah) Yasin.[1] When we consider the totality of the organs of body as one unit, its center is the heart. From this center is directed the administration of the body. So far as it is warm, the body remains alive and when it fails, the body dies. Heart of the Quran is Surah Yasin The comparison of Surah Yasin with the heart, in this narration, conveys the importance of this Surah. Though the entire Quran is a miracle and the Word of God, the special merits found in this blessed chapter particularly, can be better understood by referring to the narrations, which describe the extraordinary excellence and benefits available through regular recitation of this Surah.



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ContentA tradition that all commentators have quoted from reliable books, states that everything has a heart and the heart of Quran is (Surah) Yasin.[1] When we consider the totality of the organs of body as one unit, its center is the heart. From this center is directed the administration of the body. So far as it is warm, the body remains alive and when it fails, the body dies. Heart of the Quran is Surah Yasin The comparison of Surah Yasin with the heart, in this narration, conveys the importance of this Surah. Though the entire Quran is a miracle and the Word of God, the special merits found in this blessed chapter particularly, can be better understood by referring to the narrations, which describe the extraordinary excellence and benefits available through regular recitation of this Surah. HEAVILY SUBSIDIZED BY WWW.WABIL.COMThis text discusses how Shi'ism has been an integral and inseparable part of Islam from the time of the Holy Prophet (sa). The text provides several resources to show how Shi'ism began with the companions of the Holy Prophet (sa) and how its legacy still stands. Topics covered 1 Emergence os Shia 2 Saqifah 3 Silence of Imam Ali (as) 4 Sahaba Shias 5 Umayyad 6 Period of 4th Imam 7 Alawi uprisings 8 Zayd shahid 9 Factors behind failure of the uprisings 10 poets, 29 lessonsThis book covers 1 Culture 2 Pluralism 3 attraction 4 peace and violence 5 Government 6 Invitation and many other topics. 355 pages Hard backDiscovering Shi’i Islam is a brief introduction to main issues related to Islam in general and Shi’i Islam in particular. Though simply and clearly written, it is an outcome of more than twenty years of involvement in Islamic studies. The text studies the origins of Shi’i Islam and its sources, i.e. the, the Sunnah, the reason and consensus. It also studies fundamental doctrines and main practices of Islam. It ends with a brief account of the latest statistics about the present Muslim population of the world along with a breakdown of religious affiliations of some countries with a long history of Shi’i presence therein. Discovering Shi’i Islam represents a sincere commitment to Islamic unity and is hoped to serve as a modest step towards Muslim brotherhood. Indeed, this book echoes the Qur’anic call for unity which extends to all people of faith to unify their efforts and concentrate on their common ground. HEAVILY SUBSIDIZED BY WWW.ISLAMICTHOUGHT.CO.UK The book, which requires brevity and concentration, is regarded as one of the best that deals with applied ethics. It is a guide for spiritual wayfarers on ethics and ways to strengthen one's faith, with the goal to reach Allah (swt).This book aims to establish a suitable method of communication with Wahhabis to familiarize them with Shi‘ism, and to prepare a proper ground for their conversion to the school of thought of the Household of the Prophet, peace be upon them. The author  Dr Isam wrote book against the  Shia accusing them of heresy, before he himself saw the light and converted to Shiaism. HEAVILY SUBSIDIZED BY WWW.ISLAMICTHOUGHT.CO.UK
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