
This text contains fifty chapters, each containing an important lesson on the fundamental beliefs of our faith that are especially relevant for the youth of today. Ayatullah Makarim Shirazi presents these lessons using both philosophical reasoning as well as Qur’anic verses, and concludes each lesson with a few relevant questions which are intended to increase understanding of that particular lesson.



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SettingsFifty Lectures on the Principles of Faith for Youth (24) removeINVESTIGATIONNS AND CHALLENGES removeAl-siraj the Lantern (6a) removeAN INTRODUCTION TO THE RIGHTS AND DUTIES OF WOMEN IN ISLAM removeIN THE PRESENCE OF THE BELOVED removeFiqh Akhlaq History Class 3 remove
NameFifty Lectures on the Principles of Faith for Youth (24) removeINVESTIGATIONNS AND CHALLENGES removeAl-siraj the Lantern (6a) removeAN INTRODUCTION TO THE RIGHTS AND DUTIES OF WOMEN IN ISLAM removeIN THE PRESENCE OF THE BELOVED removeFiqh Akhlaq History Class 3 remove
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ContentThis text contains fifty chapters, each containing an important lesson on the fundamental beliefs of our faith that are especially relevant for the youth of today. Ayatullah Makarim Shirazi presents these lessons using both philosophical reasoning as well as Qur'anic verses, and concludes each lesson with a few relevant questions which are intended to increase understanding of that particular lesson. HEAVILY SUBSIDIZED BY WWW.ISLAMICTHOUGHT.CO.UKThis book covers 1 Culture 2 Pluralism 3 attraction 4 peace and violence 5 Government 6 Invitation and many other topics. 355 pages Hard back The book, which requires brevity and concentration, is regarded as one of the best that deals with applied ethics. It is a guide for spiritual wayfarers on ethics and ways to strengthen one's faith, with the goal to reach Allah (swt).This book addresses issues on the status and standing of women, their social, political, and cultural activities, housewifery, art, freedom, lifestyle, natural and acquired rights, and other issues from Islamic point of view. According to Islam, women and men alike possess the lofty status of humanity because they are both equally human. The fact that noble Adam ('a) was able to understand the Names and explain them was due to his unique genesis as a human and men and women are equal in this genesis. In general, all extolments in the Quran and Hadith regarding humans encompass both women and men. There is no verse in the Quran that reproaches women for being women. Therefore, according to Islam and the Quran, men and women are equally human, they are no different in worth, and they possess common responsibilities in managing the society. HEAVILY SUBSIDIZED BY WWW.ISLAMICTHOUGHT.CO.UKWe live in a world in which the fight for the material is omnipresent. We fight to obtain everything material but no matter how much we are never satisfied due to the fact that we always want something that we do not know what it is but that causes us to feel empty and in need. This emptiness can only be filled by seeking Allah swt. The present book is a collection of lectures about dua delivered by Ayatollah Muhammad Taqi Misbah Yazdi. It consists of four parts. The first part concentrates on the importance of supplication in general. The other three parts deal in detail about Dua al-Iftitah, Dua Abu Hamza at-Thumali and Dua Makarim al-Akhlaq.Class 3 Fiqh by Majlis-e-Ulama Shia folder is used by most centres in UK. Topics covered (1) Furoo e deen (2) Concept of sin (3) Islamic terminology (4) Wudhu (5) Adhaan & Iqaamah (6) Salaah (7) Zakaat (8) Khumus (9) Hijaab (10) Ramadhan (11) Hajj. One of the best best Madressa available in English. HEAVILY SUBSIDIZED BY WWW.ISLAMICTHOUGHT.CO.UK
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You're viewing: Fifty Lectures on the Principles of Faith for Youth (24) Original price was: £8.00.Current price is: £0.99.
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