Content | This book is ideal for those who love the Holy Quran and want to understand the deep meanings of what our creator is saying to us, simple English and easy to grasp. This commentary covers the following Surahs. (1) Sura Al-Baqarah FROM VERSE 153 TO VERSE 252. 304pages hardback. By Ayatullah Faghih Imani and Group of Muslim Scholars.
If we study the subjects of FIQH in detail, we find that every one of them is peculiar and singular in itself. Some of the laws relate to the natural urge in human beings to adore and worship. It guides us to worship none but Allah, in the prescribed form, seeking His pleasure. Then there are laws which prompt us to serve, be helpful and useful to human society, at the same time affirming our obedience to Allah. These are Zakat, Khums, our social and political duties, Jihad, Amr bil Ma'roof and Nahy anil Munkar, training in martial arts etc. Also covering brief history of over 40 Mujtahids.
| The book, which requires brevity and concentration, is regarded as one of the best that deals with applied ethics. It is a guide for spiritual wayfarers on ethics and ways to strengthen one's faith, with the goal to reach Allah (swt). | This text begins introducing the (Duas) Definition of Prayer, and its importance. The author explains how prayers are accepted, and what acceptance of prayer can lead to in a believer's life. Beyond the literal recitation of the prayer, in this text we can find the etiquettes of prayer, and other aspects we must take into consideration.
Want to understand and put your heart into your Duas, this book will help you to do just that, ideal for people living in the west, simple do along technique's.
Topics covered 1 Definition of prayer 2 Requisites of Supplication 3 Obstacles and Hindrances 4 Lawful and Unlawful request 5 Supplication of Ahl al-bayt 6 Visitation: Its Monotheistic and Political dimensions.
HEAVILY SUBSIDIZED BY WWW.ISLAMICTHOUGHT.CO.UK | This text presents an analysis of polytheism with respect to God and idols, using the Holy Quran as reference. It also studies idolatry with respect to resurrection and refutes that concept logically while explaining the essence of monotheism.
HEAVILY SUBSIDIZED BY WWW.ISLAMICTHOUGHT.CO.UK | The layout of this book has been made according to the syllabus of Hussaini Madrasah Peterborough. These pages are made for endless fun at home, so children can enjoy them. They can also be photo copied for teaching resources. Each page is full of fun filled, as well as priceless teachings of the Hoy prophet (pbuh) and the Imams.
Topics in word searches. 1 Adhan 2 Ikamah 3 Salaat 4 Mutahhiraat 5 Najasat 6 Tayammum 7 Jabira 8 Shakiyaat 9 doubts 10 Khums 11 Zakaat 12 Hajj
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