Content | This text provides a good analysis of the lives of the Infallible Imams while presenting the different methods, struggles, and circumstances of each Imam and how they may have acted similarly or differently. However they have all acted as Allah (SWT) desired of them spreading Islam in the social circumstances they lived, as well as the practice of Taqiyyah where necessary.
HEAVILY SUBSIDIZED BY WWW.ISLAMICTHOUGHT.CO.UK | Compiled By. Zaynab this book takes you into lives people who have converted to Islam by sister Zainab who herself is a convert also, if you want to work with people who are interested in Islam then book is for you.
Heavily subsidized by | Principles of good governance in the letter of Ali to al-Ashtar refers to a set of instructions and advice for rulers, reputedly addressed at Malik al-Ashtar (d. 657), the Arab military commander and an ardent supporter of Ali ibn Abi Talib (d. 661), who was the fourth Rashidun caliph (r. 656–661), the first Shia imam, and the cousin and son-in-law of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. The letter is attributed to Ali and outlines his conception of just and righteous governance, following the appointment of al-Ashtar as the new governor of Egypt circa 657 CE. Among the earliest extant records about Islamic rule, the letter has received considerable attention throughout the Muslim history as a blueprint for Islamic governance. The theme of the letter can be summarized as justice and compassion for all, regardless of class, creed, and color. Malik was killed en route to Egypt to assume his new post at the instigation of Mu'awiya, the archenemy of Ali.
HEAVILY SUBSIDIZED BY WWW.ISLAMICTHOUGHT.CO.UK | The layout of this book has been made according to the syllabus of Hussaini Madrasah Peterborough. These pages are made for endless fun at home, so children can enjoy them. They can also be photo copied for teaching resources. Each page is full of fun filled, as well as priceless teachings of the Hoy prophet (pbuh) and the Imams.
Topics in word searches. 1 Adhan 2 Ikamah 3 Salaat 4 Mutahhiraat 5 Najasat 6 Tayammum 7 Jabira 8 Shakiyaat 9 doubts 10 Khums 11 Zakaat 12 Hajj
HEAVILY SUBSIDIZED BY WWW.ISLAMICTHOUGHT.CO.UK | This work contains a number of speeches, articles, books, and question-and-answer sessions of the erudite professor, Haḍrat Ayatullah Muhammad Taqi Misbah Yazdi (may his sublime presence endure), which have been compiled, edited and published by the author on the subject of Wilayat al-Faqih. We believe that in the current status of our society, wilayat al-faqih constitutes the central pillar of Islam, and its safety contributes to the splendor of Islam and Islamic laws and values in the society. As such, we have decided to elucidate this theory, support it academically and logically, and enlighten the general public, particularly the young generation of our country who probably know very little about this theory and its ramifications, and thus discharge a small part of our religious duty. Likewise, we have tried to deal with all the aspects of this theory to address the subjects which we find significant and controversial. However, things like the brevity of content and the readers’ patience and the time that they have been taken into account as far as possible.
HEAVILY SUBSIDIZED BY WWW.ISLAMICTHOUGHT.CO.UK | A series of letters debating Shi'i and Sunni beliefs between the late Shi'i scholar Sharaf al-Din, and the late Sunni scholar and head of Al-Azhar university of that time, Al-Shaykh Salim al-Bishri al-Maliki. The written form of the debates in book, has the advantage that the two parties had the opportunity to provide the best possible replies they could give. The book is written without any disrespect and under mutual fairness. This is one of the most important books that provides a well-argued account of Shiite beliefs, drawing upon reliable sources with a persuasive tone.
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